Tuesday 5 February 2013

late nights

I'm not sure if this is just me...but late at night is when i seem to feel most creative. In the winter, anyway. I suppose it's because it's just me alone with my thoughts and I can think without distractions. However, during the day I completely lack motivation to be creative which is really annoying because I want to be as creative as possible and sometimes I find that difficult. For instance, during the day I would find it challenging just writing this because I wouldn't know what to say and how to say it, but now I just let my thoughts run. Like I said, maybe this is just me and maybe I should accept that if I want to do anything spectacular, to do it at night...but maybe some of you guys feel like this too. 
But like I said, that's in the winter, the summer is a different story. Something about the sun makes me creative, whether it's drawing (badly), writing or making things, a different side of me comes out which is why I can't wait for summer!!! 
06/02/2013 03:48am 

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